Hôtel Auteuil Tour Eiffel - Privacy policy
The personal information about you which will be processed by Hôtel Auteuil Tour Eiffel originates from your request to make a booking at our hotel or to receive documentation from us.
This data is as follows:
- Company information
- Birthday
- Information about your stay
- Purpose of trip
- Traveller type
- Frequently visits the city
- Wedding anniversary date
- Satisfaction during stay
- Satisfaction after stay
- Phone number
- Children's first name and age
- Nationality
- Place of birth
- Last name and First name
- Email address
This data is required for the following processing purposes:
- Receiving documentation about the hotel and/or its group;
- Receiving follow-up emails in connection with satisfaction surveys and/or telemarketing activities;
- Improving our customer service and follow-up;
- Booking a service online;
- Compiling statistics;
- Accounting and management of our hotel.
This data is used by the hotel and its service providers for the purposes described below:
- Progress 9 (79818169900021) - 21 Boulevard Haussemann 75009 Paris : Customer relation manager
- Ideosoft Protel (48491385000042) - 9 Rue Francois Coppée 92240 Malakof : Property Management System
- D-Edge (43151385200084) - 66 Rue de Archives 75003 Paris : Booking Engine
This information is never sold nor disclosed to any third party, and is used solely for the internal purposes described above.
Under the law, and in particular the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right, at any time, to request amendments to the above-mentioned data, as well as the right to access, erase or restrict the holding or processing of this data. You can do this in one of the following ways:
- Send an email to the hotel;
- Post a letter to the hotel;
- Contact one of the above-mentioned service providers directly.
Name: Hôtel Auteuil Tour Eiffel
Address: 8/10 rue Félicien David - 75016 Paris
Phone: +33 (0)1 40 50 57 57
Email address: